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Twin City Little League

Twin City Little League

When will I find out what team my child is on?

Teams are formed the week of March 10, and coaches should contact the main account holder by the end of the week. If you have not heard from a coach by March 16, please contact [email protected] to let us know that you haven't heard from your coach.

When do practices start, and what is the practice schedule?

Practices start the week of March 17. Coaches determine the practice schedule during the player selection, and will let you know your team's practice schedule once teams are formed.

How many practices and/or games per week will there typically be?

There are two practices per week in the pre-season, and then about two games per week during the season. Weekend practices continue throughout the remainder of the season.

What days and times are games played?

Games are played every weeknight, with each team playing about twice per week. (Approx. 12 games over 6 weeks.) We typically have an early game starting around 5:15pm and a late game starting around 7:30pm, though younger ages may start games earlier and play shorter games. There is not a set night for certain ages to play; it will rotate each week based on field availability. In the event of rainouts, it is a possibility to have makeup games on weekends.

Will we be playing other leagues this year?

Maybe. Divisions with limited teams will be playing interleague with Desoto, Hillsboro, and R7 Little Leagues. Those with plenty of teams at TCLL will only play against TCLL teams.

Will my child get a chance to play in each game?

Yes. Every player who shows up on time and attends weekly practices must play at least two consecutive innings in the field and bat at least once. If your child does not get to play, he or she starts in the next game. Please remember, regular attendance at practices as well as games is important. It helps the players to learn to play as a team. Frequent absences from practices are not in the best interest of the player or the team.

What equipment does a player need?

At the very least, players will need to provide their own glove, helmet & bat. Most teams also coordinate matching baseball pants, belt, and socks (color of each is decided by coach and parents to match the jerseys). Rubber molded cleats are recommended. Protective cups for all male players above the Tee Ball division.

Approved bats can be found here:

Also, here is a good guide on getting the right bat size for your player:

TCLL will provide each player with a jersey and hat/visor. Each team will be provided team catching gear, game balls, practice balls and batting tees for tee-ball.

In case of inclement weather/field conditions, when will the decision be made to cancel practices/games?

Notifications will be made by 4:30pm the day of. Notifications will be made on Facebook and communicated to coaches. It is then the coach’s responsibility to notify their parents/players.

Who do I contact with an issue?

Please reach out to [email protected] or any board member with any issues you may have. We will direct you to the correct contact for the issue.

Why do I need to provide a concession deposit?

Since we are a 100% volunteer run organization, we need volunteers! This means you! We require each family to put down a $100 concession deposit. We return the deposit after each family has worked 2 hours in our concession stand. This is our way to ensure that the concession stand is available and open at all of our games. Without your support, this is not possible. We don’t want your money, we want your time. Without additional volunteers it will not be possible to keep the concession stand open at each game. Deposits can be paid via check or Venmo. The QR Codes below will allow you to pay your deposit via Venmo (+$2 fee) and to schedule your concession duty.

How is the league funded?

 The league is completely self funded through our registration fees, concession income, various fundraisers, donations from community organizations, and field advertisement sponsorships. TCLL receives no funding from local municipalities. 

How are my registration fees allocated and distributed by the league?

There are many different ways that registration fees are used.  Here are just a few examples:

  • National little league charter, player insurance and property insurance 
  • Purchase of uniforms and hats
  • New playing equipment (catchers gear, batting helmets, and baseballs)
  • Facility maintenance upgrades and field maintenance equipment
  • Utility bills (water, electric and trash service)
  • Pay for umpires
  • Office expenses (copies, ink, and advertisement) 


Twin City Little League
155 Little League Drive 
Crystal City, Missouri 63019

Email: [email protected]

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